Convert HEIC/HEIF files to JPEG using Photoshop so attachments sent from Apple/MAC devices can be seen.
Troubleshooting access to UFV Library database articles, indexes, and journals.
How students and employees can create and manage teams in MS Teams.
Employee Guide on Logging into Njoyn Portal and Resolving Common Login Errors
Back up and migrate your browser bookmarks.
Clear your internet browser cache.
Upgrade your device from Windows 10 to Windows 11.
Short videos on the basics of using Windows 11 apps, features and functions.
Add "Open with" to your Windows 10 menu to allow you to choose to open your files with a software application. For example: You may want to use this feature to open a Financial Aid Banner report with Excel.
Add files from OneDrive to Blackboard course content items.
Log into Roombookings online to view and book meeting rooms and classrooms for UFV business purposes such as meetings or events.