Email Setup, Security and Management

Articles (8)

Pinned Article Student Email on M365

Guide for students on accessing, setting up UFV student email on their computers, and mobile devices, and includes information on email forwarding not supported, and email name change.

Block a Sender

Block the emails you are receiving emails from a sender.

Blocked Email

What to do if an email you sent was blocked, or an email someone sent to you was not received.

Email FAQ

Commonly asked questions about email access, email delivery, and spam/phishing.

Email Forwarding

While you can set up email forwarding from your UFV email to another account, ITS does not recommend this. Read this guide to find out why.

Junk Items Folder

The Outlook Junk Folder holds suspected spam and phishing for your review. This article explains how to review and re-classify Junk messages.

Receiving emails from wrong Blackboard instuctor

Student email is from correct Blackboard course but incorrect Blackboard instructor.

Email to Blackboard gives bounce-back error

Student email to Blackboard instructor does not send properly.