Search35 Results

Services or Offerings?
Grant limited access to the UFV network and computers for an external contractor.

Grant limited access to the UFV network and computers for a student (e.g., co-op).

Grant, extend, or change access for an employee to Banner modules, specific Banner forms, BDMS, FAST Finance, FAST Student, or Degree Works.

Request updates to access or a change in ownership (S: drive) to employee network file folder/share.

Request access changes to a shared mailbox (add or remove an employee and / or change an owner).

Request Wi-Fi access on campus for guests and events.

Access and support information for Microsoft Windows 11 upgrade.

Onboard new employees so they can receive UFV network file access, computer, email, phone, and business application accounts.

Network File Share Creation

Employee department transfers of IT resources or role changes within the same department.

Request a remote desktop (RDP) connection to a UFV campus computer.

Request a new shared mailbox.

Request permissions to MachForm entries and reports.

Digital signage procurement, Digital signage content submission, TelemetryTV application permissions

Wireless registration for IoT devices.