Search14 Results

Services or Offerings?
Network File Share Creation

Request a new shared mailbox.

Request updates to access or a change in ownership (S: drive) to employee network file folder/share.

Request access changes to a shared mailbox (add or remove an employee and / or change an owner).

Network File Recovery From Backup

Employee department transfers of IT resources or role changes within the same department.

Offboard an employee (retirement, resignation, and contract end).

Request hardware procurement for UFV standard and non-standard hardware such as a computer, laptop, monitors, tablets, and other peripherals and components.

Digital signage procurement, TelemetryTV application permissions

Request use of a Zoom Webinar for a large meeting.

Grant limited access to the UFV network and computers for a student (e.g., co-op).

Use this form to request an IT service that is currently not in our Service Catalogue.

M365 for Students software support and information (Email, OneDrive, MS Teams, Microsoft Office applications).

Grant limited access to the UFV network and computers for an external contractor.