Zoom - Join and Participate in Zoom Meetings Guide


This article provides a guide on how to use Zoom on the following topics:

Instructors are also responsible for the management of recorded lecture material. For help with this see our page outlining Privacy and Security considerations.



Sign in to Zoom Account

  • UFV computer: Zoom has already been downloaded to your UFV computer. To find Zoom, open your start menu and type Zoom or browse the list (alphabetical order) to find and launch Zoom. 
  • Own device: You can also download and install Zoom on your desktop or mobile phone for more features. View our article Zoom - Video Conferencing for Students for more information. 
  • Internet browser: To sign in to Zoom using your web browser visit https://ufv-ca.zoom.us
Important: To log in to your Zoom account please use the following credentials:
  • Username: UFV employee/ student email address
  • Password: UFV Email Account Password

For detailed steps on installation and how to sign in to Zoom based on a device type, please refer to the articles below:


Create a Meeting

  • Option 1: Randomly generated Meeting ID
    Create a new meeting using a randomly generated Meeting ID. This is a good option if you are looking for a private disposable meeting room (such as those for interviews where you will need to keep each session separate).

  • Option 2: Static Personal Meeting ID
    Use a static meeting ID with the Personal Meeting ID attached to your Zoom account.  This is a good choice if you need a recurring meeting ID (such as those for weekly staff meetings where you want to use a single ID to keep things simple).
    • How to create a meeting with a random ID: With the desktop client open select the New Meeting button. A new meeting will begin with a randomly generated Meeting ID.
    • How to create a meeting with a static ID: To start a meeting using your Personal Meeting ID (PMI) select the dropdown arrow for New Meeting and ensure “Use my Personal Meeting ID (PMI) is selected. Once selected click the New Meeting button.
  • For more information see the help article:  Personal Meeting ID (PMI)


Authenticated User

You can increase the security of your meetings by only allowing authenticated users (those with a Zoom account) to join your meetings. This setting is available on a per-meeting basis and can be enabled when scheduling a meeting via the web or desktop app. If a user isn’t signed in to UFV Zoom they will get the following message:

  • When scheduling a meeting via a web browser: Select Only authenticated users can join under Meeting Options
  • When scheduling a meeting via the Zoom desktop client: Select Only authenticated users can join under Advanced Options.

Join a Meeting

To join a Zoom meeting, you’ll need to enter a meeting ID from someone who’s created a meeting for you to join. Typically, the meeting organizer with either email these details to you or tell you the meeting ID via other means.  Zoom meeting IDs are 9-digit numbers and will look like the following: 

Example number: 123-456-789

If you prefer to join a zoom meeting anonymously, please refer to our Zoom Privacy and Security FAQs on how to do so. 

  • Step 1: Click the Join button to begin.
  • Step 2: Enter the meeting ID of the session you were invited to participate in.

For more information see the help article: Joining a Zoom meeting.


Invite Others to a Meeting

  • There are several ways to invite others to a meeting. For simplicity, we’ll cover how to send out meeting invitations for a meeting already in progress. 
  • For scheduling and sending out meeting invitations in advance please see the help article: How do I invite others to join a meeting?
  • To send email invitations for a meeting already in progress, during your meeting session click the Invite button located at the bottom of your meeting window. 
  • This will open the invitation window. From here select the Email tab to send an invitation to a colleague.

User Controls during a Meeting

  • During a meeting, you will have a multitude of options available that will help facilitate your meeting, from whiteboards to reactions Zoom can be a very diverse tool to collaborate with colleagues.

Listed below is an overview of the basics to get you started for your first session:

Host Controls During a Meeting 

  • If you’re the host of a meeting you’ll have an expanded set of controls during a meeting to help keep things running smoothly.
  • The Security icon reveals a set of security controls for the meeting.

These controls include:

  • Locking the meeting will prevent any additional participants from joining.
  • Toggling the waiting room for the meeting. For more information about waiting rooms see the help article: Waiting room

The additional participant controls such as:

  • The ability for participants to share their screen.
  • The ability for participants to use the chat window.
  • The ability for participants to rename themselves after joining the meeting.

For more information see the help article: In meeting security options

The Participants icon reveals the participant window.

As the host, you will have an expanded set of capabilities, such as:

  • Removing participants
  • Muting / unmuting participants
  • Delegating co-hosts to help out during the meeting.

For more information see the help article: Managing participants in a meeting

The Share Screen icon comes with an advanced set of controls that are available to the host. To access these controls click the icon next to the Share Screen button. 

These settings include:

  • Toggling screen sharing for all participants. 
  • Controlling how many participants can share their screen at a time.
  • Delegating who can share their screen while someone else is sharing. 

The Record icon starts a local recording of the meeting that will be saved to your device. The local recording functionality within Zoom is extensive. So we encourage you to explore Zoom’s Local Recording help page. 

  • Specific to UFV’s implementation, participants will receive an audio notification and be prompted with a message when a recording has begun.
  • Also, note that the host (or co-host) of a meeting is responsible for informing participants about the privacy and security considerations related to recording. 
  • Instructors are also responsible for the management of recorded lecture material. For help with this see our page outlining Privacy and Security considerations.

Visit Zoom's support website

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Article ID: 2991
Tue 2/15/22 2:23 PM
Thu 3/28/24 1:42 PM

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Guidelines for Zoom Privacy and Security.
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Instructions for students on how to login to the Zoom application.
Guide for employees to install and log into Zoom Video Conferencing application.