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Instructions on how to switch existing personal zoom account created with UFV email to UFV licensed Zoom account.
UFV standard or non-standard hardware inventory list for procurement and a form to fill out by employees if you are ready to purchase hardware.
Troubleshooting guide for the issue when the keyboard language is set incorrectly causing errors or typing different characters than typed.
Instructions on how to add a signature field to a PDF
Instructions on how to create a signature and sign a PDF.
How to Easily Back Up and Migrate Your Browser Bookmarks.
Guide for employees and students on how to use common Zoom features.
UFV telephone and voicemail guide for employees including information on UFV directory, voicemail setup, retrieving voicemail messages and recording greetings or absence.
Instructions to verify if your UFV provided iPhone is connected to UFV Mobile Device Management (MDM) successfully to synchronize your UFV email and calendar.
UFV students and employees can receive MS Office 365 for free.
Instructions on how to create a fillable PDF in Adobe Acrobat DC using an existing word document.
How to open financial aid banner reports with excel.
Employee guide on using and setting up a docking station for a laptop for charging, connecting to the UFV LAN network, while also allowing access to peripheral devices such as the monitor, keyboard, and mouse.