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Instructions on how to add a signature field to a PDF
Instructions on how to create a signature and sign a PDF.
Instructions on how to create a fillable PDF in Adobe Acrobat DC using an existing word document.
UFV standard or non-standard hardware inventory list for procurement and a form to fill out by employees if you are ready to purchase hardware.
Learn to define spam and phishing as well as the impact they can have. Learn to spot a legitimate email message.
Brief explanation of the room booking portal and it's help guide.
UFV telephone and voicemail guide for employees including information on UFV directory, voicemail setup, retrieving voicemail messages and recording greetings or absence.
Cloud-based digital signage content management system (CMS)
Instructions for the Service Desk on how to complete your payroll timesheet.
Access to UFV computer resources on campus and by remote.
Instruction on access software, Printing ScienceDirect PDFs in Labs.
Step-by-step overview to using UFV Payroll's Web Time Entry online system to enter, save and submit your work hours to your supervisor for approval.
Employee guide on using and setting up a docking station for a laptop for charging, connecting to the UFV LAN network, while also allowing access to peripheral devices such as the monitor, keyboard, and mouse.