Enter a Timesheet

Step-by-step overview of using UFV Payroll's Web Time Entry online system to enter, save, and submit your work hours to your supervisor for approval.

Log into Web Time Entry
Create your Timesheet
Enter Hours or Units
Preview Timesheet
View Timesheet Status
Enter Hours on a Holiday
Notice Error Messages
Modifying Timesheet Entries
Insert a Comment
Restart a Timesheet in Progress
Submit a Completed Timesheet for Approval
Recalling a Timesheet
Recording Shift Differential
Reporting Overtime
Frequently Asked Questions


Log into Web Time Entry

1. Log into myUFV using your UFV employee email address (i.e. firstname.lastname@ufv.ca) as your username and your UFV email password.

2. Expand the navigation bar by clicking on the nav icon  located next to the myUFV logo.

Hamburger icon for myUFV navigation bar

3. Click Work/Employee.

Navigation bar

4. Under My Dashboard card, click Go to your dashboard.

My Dashboard card 

5. In the Employee Dashboard under My Activities, click Enter Time.

Employee dashboard

Note: Submit a separate timesheet for each separate active position you work.

5. Select the Timesheet tab, then click on your correct job position under the appropriate Pay Period.

Timesheet tab in employee dashboard


Create your Timesheet

1. Click Start Timesheet.

Start Timesheet button

2. Check the timesheet status (in the upper-right corner) is In Progress and the date for Submit By is valid.

Timesheet status in the upper right corner

3. As the system defaults to today's date, move through the days in a pay period by clicking the left or right blue chevron symbols < >.

Blue chevron symbols to move through the days in a pay period

4. Once you have found your chosen date, click the cell (it will be highlighted in blue).

Cell of the chosen date highlighted in blue


Enter Hours or Units

 Important: Click Save after each entry, edit, deletion, or change.

1. Select an Earn Code.

Select an Earn Code

Description of Earn Codes

  • Regular pay: Normal work hours in accordance with the Work Week/Workday.
  • Shift differential: Hours worked outside the standard working period of 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM. The pay rate is $1.50 per additional hour worked.
  • Overtime 1.5: Overtime hours worked, in accordance with the collective agreement or employment standards, where the pay rate is 1.5 times the standard pay rate.
  • Overtime 2.0: Overtime hours worked, in accordance with the collective agreement or employment standards, where the pay rate is 2.0 times the standard pay rate.
  • Sick Leave - Hourly: Time noted as being sick on a scheduled workday, for employees who meet the eligibility requirements. May be taken up to 5 times in a calendar year unless an authorized exception exists.
  • Stat worked: Hours worked on a stat holiday, as defined in the official UFV holiday schedule.

Earn Codes Description

2. Click on Hours or Units.

3. Verify the Earn Code and Date are correct.

4. Choose one of two methods to enter Hours:

a. Enter Hours and click Save if the hours entered are applicable to the selected date.


 b. Click Copy if you want to copy the same number of hours to other dates:

  • On the Copy by Date page, click the box(es) underneath the day(s) you want the hours to copy to.
  • Click the Copy button to perform the copy.
  • Click Previous Menu button to return to the Timesheet and verify the hours are correct.

 Repeat Step 4 if you have additional earnings to report.

5. Click Save after each Time entry.

Save button

6.  Use Add Earn Code when working across two different earn code categories on the same day – for example, REH and SFD.

a. Enter hours for the first Earn Code and click Save.

Using Add Earn Code when working across two different earn code categories on the same day

 b. Click Add Earn Code to add an additional Earn Code row.

 Use Add Earn Code to add an additional Earn Code row

c. Select the appropriate Earn Code for the rest of the hours worked.

Selecting the appropriate Earn Code for the rest of the hours worked


Preview Timesheet

1. When all the hours worked have been entered, click Preview to preview everything that has been entered so far.

Previewing timesheet


View Timesheet Status

Check the current status of your timesheet: Not started, In Progress, Pending, Approved, Completed:

Viewing timesheet status

Or use the icon  to pop up a display of information:

Info icon to pop up a display of information

Display of information


Enter Hours on a Holiday

UFV official statutory holidays are highlighted on the time entry timeline in italic fonts.

If an employee works on an observed Holiday, hours must be reported with the earn code Stat Worked.

UFV official statutory holidays highlighted on the time entry timeline in italic fonts


Notice Error Messages

To view details about displayed warnings:

1. Click the drop-down arrow on the right-hand side of the Timesheet Messages box.

2. Correct the reason for the error message.

Note: If the timesheet is saved and closed without making the correction(s), the warning will still be displayed on the main menu by showing an exclamation point.

1. Click the symbol and it will note that corrections still need to be made.

2. The approver will also see these warnings if corrections were not completed.

3. Once the corrections are saved those warnings disappear.

Important: A Warning or Error message needs to be resolved Prior to submitting the timesheet for approval unless there is an exception.


Modifying Timesheet Entries

All information entered by the employee can be edited prior to submitting the timesheet to the approver:

To make changes to the Earn Code:

1. Open the correct timesheet for the pay period where the edit is required.
2. Click the date to bring up the details of the time entered.
3. On the right-hand side click on the pencil (edit mode).
4. Make changes to the Earn Code.
5. Click Save when finished each edit. 

Making changes to the earn code

To delete an entry:

1. Click the date to view the details
2. Click the minus “-“ sign on the right of the entry to be deleted.

Click the minus sign to the right of the entry to delete that entry

3. Click Yes on the dialog box to confirm the entry to be deleted.

Click Yes on the dialog box to confirm the entry to be deleted

4. Click Save.

Click Save


Insert a Comment

Comments can be entered to explain changes from the normal work schedule prior to submission:

  • The approver will see these comments and may also enter their own comments.
  • Comments entered by the employee are visible to the user, approver, and the Payroll team.
  • Contact those Departments directly with questions or concerns. Payroll will not monitor comments on timesheets.
  • Be advised comments are public record.
  • Any timesheets that are returned to the hourly employee for correction must include a comment before they can be returned.

1. Click the Comments button on the time entry screen.

Comments button on the time entry screen

2. Enter comments as necessary and then click Save to save the comment.

Note: Comments apply to the whole timesheet rather than a particular day.

Enter comments

3. You can view the comment by clicking on the comment icon in the upper left-hand side of the time entry screen.

4. Comments are additionally viewable, editable, and can be entered on the timesheet submission screen.

Comments can be entered on the timesheet submission screen

5. Enter and/or edit all comments.

6. Do not submit the timesheet if all hours worked have not yet been entered.

7. Keep any comments that need to be entered on the Preview screen for when the timesheet is complete and then can be submitted.


Restart a Timesheet in Progress

Important: Restarting a timesheet will remove all data previously input into the timesheet.

Restarting a timesheet is useful when:

  • An employee has numerous corrections and/or edits.
  • As a last resort if efforts to correct a previous timesheet were unsuccessful.
  • Significant adjustments are needed to the current pay period timesheet.

1. While in the Detail view of the timesheet click Restart Time at the top right of the screen.

Restart time button in the detail view of the timesheet

2. Click Restart Time from the message box to confirm.


Submit a Completed Timesheet for Approval

The timesheet must be submitted for approval before the end of the pay period:

  • The Pay Schedule can be found on the Payroll website under Forms & Schedules.
  • It is important to verify the accuracy and completeness of the timesheet before submission to your approver.
  • Ensure all applicable days and hours for each entry are correct, and the correct Earn Code has been used.

1. Select the correct pay period as timesheets in different pay periods may be visible for selection:

  • Some timesheets are for adding new entries.
  • Some timesheets may be due for submission.
  • Timesheets with the status In Progress already have time listed within them.

Timesheets with the status In Progress already have time listed within them

2. If everything looks as expected in your Preview screen, click Submit.

3. The timesheet will now have a status of Pending while it is awaiting the approver to review and approve for pay.

4. View your details of submission for approval and the approver assigned by clicking the information icon i on the right.

View your details of submission for approval and the approver assigned by clicking the information icon i on the right


Recalling a Timesheet

After the timesheet has been submitted, it is in Pending status. While Pending, the timesheet can be recalled for changes and resubmitted.

1. While in the details view of the timesheet click Recall Timesheet on the bottom of the screen.

Note: The action of recalling a timesheet does not remove any records entered on the timesheet.

Recall Timesheet button on the bottom of the screen in the details view of the timesheet

This puts the timesheet in In Progress status again. It can now be edited and resubmitted for.


Reporting Shift Differential

Shift Differential is a policy that pays employees who work outside the standard UFV hours of 8:30 – 4:30 an additional $1.50 for each hour worked. Hours worked outside the standard UFV hours must also be entered using the Shift Differential earn code to be paid properly. Shift Differential is only applicable to hourly staff, Auxiliary II staff, and Library Auxiliaries.

1. Record all hours worked for the day using the appropriate Earning Code (i.e. Regular Pay). For any of these hours that have been worked after 4:30 click on Add Earn Code to add hours worked after 4:30 using the Shift Differential Earn Code.

Click on Add Earn Code to add hours worked after 4:30

2. Select the Shift Differential Earn Code and input the number of hours worked outside standard UFV hours (Shift Differential hours are entered as units because it is supplemental).

Shift Differential Earn Code button to input the number of hours worked outside standard UFV hours

3. Save or complete the timesheet as necessary.


Reporting Overtime

Overtime hours should be entered using the appropriate overtime earn code. The tables below can be used as a reference to determine which overtime code should be used. Overtime is only applicable to hourly staff, Auxiliary I + II staff, and students.

Student (ST) / Auxiliary I (OH) /(Non-FSA):


  • Hours worked in excess of 8 hours in a day, Overtime 1.5 - First 4 hours, Overtime 2.0 - 4 hours plus


  • Overtime 1.5 after 40 hrs. worked in a week (Sunday to Saturday)


  • Overtime 1.5 - first 4 hours, Overtime 2.0 - 4 hours plus (employee must have worked 40 hours in the week, before OT rates apply)

Auxiliary II (SH), Type D (SH), Other FSA members (excluding Faculty):


  • Hours worked more than 7 hours in a day
  • Overtime 1.5 - first 3 hours
  • Overtime 2.0 - 3 hours plus
  • Per collective agreement 1/2 hr. meal break applicable after 2 hrs. OT worked Ref. to 17.6 (c) (iii) 
    • "A meal break of one-half (½) hour paid at the applicable overtime rate shall be given to an employee if the overtime worked extends more than two (2) hours beyond the completion of the employee's scheduled shift." 
  • Include meal break time in overtime hours stated.


  • Overtime 2.0 - after 8 hours Overtime in a week (Monday to Sunday)


  • Overtime 1.5 - first 3 hours.
  • Overtime 2.0 - 3 hours plus.
  • Employee must have worked 35 hours in the week, before OT rates apply.


  • Overtime 2.0 – double time all hours worked.

Note:  For above FSA-included employees, Shift Differential eligible on all hours worked before 8:00 AM or after 4:30 PM, whether regular or overtime hours. 

Instructions for recording overtime:

1. Ensure all hours worked for the day have been recorded using the appropriate Earning Code (i.e. Regular Pay), before hours are recorded as overtime.

2. For any of those hours that have been worked overtime, ensure they have been recorded using the corresponding Overtime Earn Code (Overtime 1.5 or Overtime 2.0).

Add earn code in the timesheet

2.. Select the correct Overtime Earn Code and input the number of hours worked overtime.

Select the correct Overtime Earn Code

3. Save or complete the timesheet.


Frequently Asked Questions

What if I have more than one supervisor?
If an employee has more than one supervisor, one supervisor will be designated as the Primary Approver and will need to assign the other supervisor as a Proxy. Both will then have access to the timesheet.

How will approvers know when to approve timesheets?
Timesheets can be approved as soon as they have been submitted by the employee. All timesheets must be approved on or before the end of the pay period. It is also helpful for the employee to notify the approver that a timesheet has been submitted. A copy of the Pay Schedule with submission deadlines can be found on the UFV Portal under the employee tab.

What if my approver is on vacation or resigns?
All approvers are required to assign and set up a proxy who is authorized to approve time in their absence. Approvers must notify the proxy when they will be required to approve time.

Am I required to enter hours each day?
Yes, it is strongly recommended, and is a best practice that employees record all hours daily. By doing so, it becomes a habit, and submission at the end of the pay period by the due date is a quicker process.

UFV is closed for a Holiday; do I have to enter time on that day of the timesheet?
Only if you have worked on that particular holiday.

What if I submit my timesheet to my approver and need to make edits?
If the approver has not approved the timesheet, the employee can recall the timesheet to make edits and comments for resubmission to the approver. If the timesheet has been approved, the employee should ask the approver to return the timesheet for correction.

What if an employee is out for an entire pay period and did not submit a timesheet?
Contact the Payroll department for assistance. A manual timesheet submission may be required.

How do I train new employees on Time Entry?
A brief overview will be given during orientation. Departments should include as part of the onboarding training process. Refer to reference materials available for employees on the UFV Payroll webpage.

Do I still submit timesheets bi-weekly?
Time can be recorded daily in the Webtime entry system, however, timesheets are due bi-weekly with the deadlines posted on the Pay Schedule on the employee portal.


You can also refer to the documentation present on the UFV payroll website for more resources.


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Article ID: 5519
Thu 4/20/23 12:18 PM
Tue 12/12/23 9:30 AM

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Step-by-step overview to using UFV Payroll Web Time Entry online system to approve timesheets.