Your UFV employee T4 taxation form is available online through myUFV.
Below are instructions for accessing your T4 tax receipt on a desktop computer.
Log into myUFV employee portal using your UFV employee email address ( and password.
Note: If you need assistance with logging into myUFV for the first time, see KB article myUFV for Employees.
Note: If you are no longer an employee of UFV and require temporary access to myUFV, see KB article myUFV Temporary Access.
Expand the left side panel by clicking the three horizontal lines (aka hamburger icon) located to the left of the myUFV logo.

Choose the Work/Employee role.

Click on Discover.

Enter the search term my Dashboard.

Click on link Go to your dashboard.

Click Taxes link.

Click on link Slips for Income Tax Return.

Click the angle down symbol to see menu.

Choose the appropriate tax year.

Click the link T4 - Statement of Remuneration Paid.

Click the Printable Version button.

Check your computer's Downloads or comparable folder for your PDF document with your tax information.