1. Create a secure password or passphrase
If you have never logged into any of your UFV accounts, you will need to create a password or a passphrase.
IT Services highly recommends that you use passphrase rather than a password.
Passwords are generally short, hard to remember, and easier to hack by intruders.
i.e. Canada!6&
- Meets password complexity requirements
- Hard to remember
- Can be guessed within hours
Passphrases are like passwords but longer, more secure and easier for you to memorize.
i.e. Regain!PointerNurseryDehydrate1
- Phrase of random words
- Easy to remember
- Would take a computer 5 billion years to guess
For more details, go to Passwords, Passphrases & Password Managers.
2. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Registration for Multi-Factor-Authentication (MFA) is required for all UFV students.
MFA strengthens your device and account security by requiring at least two items of authentication when you log into your account.
i.e. a one-time code or a notification sent to your phone in addition to your password.
For more details, go to Multifactor Authentication Registration and
Multi-Factor Authentication Overview and FAQ.
3. Student Email and M365 apps
All active students have a free license for Microsoft 365 (M365) apps.
i.e. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook, etc.
UFV also provides all active students with a M365 account including student email.
For more details, go to Microsoft 365 Quick Start Guide for Students.
Using your student email address and password:
4. myUFV | Services portal
MyUFV is the central UFV portal where you can access most online student services.
For more details, go to myUFV for Students.
Using your student email address and password:
5. myClass | Blackboard LMS
Blackboard (myClass) is UFV's online learning space where students can access their online & hybrid classes.
For more details, go to Student Tutorials.
Using your student email and password:
6. Wireless Access
UFV provides Wi-Fi access to active UFV students on UFV campuses using eduroam.
Setup must be done on a UFV campus before connecting at other institutions.
7. IT Services Support
IT Service Desk to get help on resolving your using technology at UFV problem.