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Instructions for employees to set up a third-party email client on your personal mobile device to get your UFV  email.
Details the changes a user can expect when their Outlook mailbox is enabled for Online Archive
Create, add, and modify an email signature.
Guide on configuring home computer MS Outlook for employee email.
Employee Guide on Logging into Njoyn Portal and Resolving Common Login Errors
Guide for employees and students on how to use common Zoom features.
Commonly asked questions about email access, email delivery, and spam/phishing.
Instructions for students on how to login to the Zoom application.
Guide on Microsoft Outlook "Sync Issues" folder, receiving synchronization log messages, and how to remove the log messages.
Guide for students on accessing, setting up UFV student email on their computers, and mobile devices, and includes information on email forwarding not supported, and email name change.
Guide for Students and Employees on how to create and manage teams in MS Teams.
Employee guide to setup RDP gateway on your computer or laptop to access UFV work computers remotely.