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Instructions on how to create a fillable PDF in Adobe Acrobat DC using an existing word document.
UFV Microsoft OneDrive is now integrated to Blackboard, provides you with the ability to:
• Attach Office 365 files including Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, and Excel from the Rich Text Editor.
• View and organize your personal UFV Microsoft office files.
• Create read-only access to embedded Office 365 files in your course.
Student and Faculty guide on accessing their course/class resources online using myClass (Blackboard Learning).
Student guide on how to use student myUFV account for several web-services such as accessing student information, registration details, password resets / unlock account.
Apply to become a computer lab monitor.
Resources and answers to the frequently asked questions and commonly reported incidents on M365 for Students.
Students network file storage information including accessing UFV network folders and drives remotely and on campus.
Guide on how to set up and use M365 components that are currently available for UFV Employees.
Enhanced Phishing Protection is a feature on UFV-provided Windows 11 devices that helps protect your UFV password against phishing and unsafe usage on sites and apps. It helps protect your password from unsafe storage and phishing attempts.
Guide on login to M365 applications, switching between accounts, and installing M365 applications on a personal device.
Guide on how to set up and use M365 components that are currently available for UFV Students.
Instructions on how to complete BIOS upgrade from Software Center on UFV computers
Employee Guide on Logging into Njoyn Portal and Resolving Common Login Errors
UFV students and employees can receive MS Office 365 for free.
The Microsoft Authenticator app helps you sign in to your accounts when you're using multi-factor authentication (MFA). The Authenticator App works without cell service, and it's free on iOS and Android.