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Forward phone calls from UFV Phones to a local or an outside phone number.
While you can set up email forwarding from your UFV email to another account, ITS does not recommend this. Read this guide to find out why.
If you receive a suspicious email, forward it to and we will investigate.
Guide for students on accessing, setting up UFV student email on their computers, and mobile devices, and includes information on email forwarding not supported, and email name change.
Commonly asked questions about email access, email delivery, and spam/phishing.
Spoofing is a technique to hide the true origin of an email message. This is commonly used to send phishing to the UFV community. This article will help you identify email spoofing, and understand why it happens.
Learn to define spam and phishing as well as the impact they can have. Learn to spot a legitimate email message.
To help the UFV community easily identify phishing emails, the Cybersecurity team has added an external email warning. This warning is a visual indicator to help you determine the true source of an email.
Your UFV provided email address keeps you connected to important UFV announcements, helps you collaborate with UFV community members, and lets you sign on to several services (e.g., Blackboard/myClass, O365 suite). This article contains FAQ and other resources about email security.
Information about UFV expired accounts and how to request a new temporary account.