Microsoft Password Reset

Before you begin to reset your password

Before you can use the Microsoft Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) to reset your student or employee UFV account password, ensure you qualify for this service:

Are you an active student?

Are you enrolled with the SSPR?

  • You must be enrolled for Microsoft Self-Service Password Reset before you can use this service. Follow the steps in the article Multifactor Authentication to register for SSPR as an authentication method.

Are you receiving a reset error message?

  • "You can't reset your own password because you haven't registered for password reset" means your enrollment was not completed. To reset your password contact IT Service Desk. Then log in and complete the steps in the article Multifactor Authentication.

When you are ready to reset your password

  1. Open a browser and go to the Microsoft SSPR Get back into your account website at
  2. Enter your full UFV email address in the User ID field and complete the Captcha if required.

Field to enter UFV email address and captcha if required

  1. Click Next.
  2. Based on which authentication method you chose when you enrolled, you will have the option to choose your verification. Click the button next to the method you want to use. You may be asked to use more than one method.

Choosing the option to verify your authentication

  1. After completing your verification steps, enter your new password and enter it again to confirm.

Enter your new password and enter it again to confirm

  1. Click Finish to complete the process.
  2. You should now be able to log in to your UFV workstation and email using your new password.

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Article ID: 734
Mon 7/27/20 1:28 PM
Tue 9/3/24 2:23 PM

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