My Recently Visited Services

General repair of walls, ceilings, floors, furniture, doors, shelving, etc.

Floor cleaning (vacuuming, mopping, spot clean), general wipe-down of meeting room(s), emptying of waste, compost, and/or recycling receptacles, replenishment of soap or paper towels, etc.

Report a non-emergency leak or drainage issue (e.g., leaky faucet, toilet / urinal plugged, water fountain issue, etc.).

Furniture Assembly & Shelving / Whiteboard Installations

Ask the Facilities Management team a question.

Report a grounds issue.

Table and/or chair setup, waste stations, electrical outlets, etc.

Electrical issues with lighting (indoor / outdoor), power (receptacles, outlets), noise (buzzing), etc.

Room temperature, humidity, air flow adjustment

Office Move In/Out Clean

Report an issue with a room or area in the student residence.

Pickup for confidential shredding and/or confidential bag delivery.

Light drywall patching and painting of an office or common space

Air quality issues with known odours (e.g., sewage, natural gas, paint, etc.), exhaust odours, construction dust or odours