

Turnitin is a plagiarism detection and academic integrity tool. It can be used by students and instructors to check plagiarism in written work. This tool allows instructors to verify the authenticity of assignments by comparing submissions against a vast database of academic sources, websites, and student papers. It helps foster a culture of academic honesty and supports students in improving their writing skills. 

This application is supported by the Teaching and Learning Centre.


  • Plagiarism Detection: Compare student submissions against a vast database of academic papers, websites, and previous student work. 
  • Similarity Reports: Generate detailed reports showing the percentage of similarity and sources of matched content, helping instructors access the originality of work. 
  • Uphold academic integrity: Ensure original work from students and address even the most sophisticated potential misconduct. 
  • Innovative assessments: Flexible tools that let educators design and deliver student assessments their way, with trust and confidence. 
  • Foster original thinking: Help students improve their original thinking with useful feedback that easily fits into teacher’s current workflows. 
  • Integration with Learning Management Systems: Seamlessly integrate with LMS platforms like Blackboard for easy submission and grading. 

Who can use this service? 

Students and faculty

How do I request or access this service? 

Access to Turnitin can be requested by contacting the Teaching and Learning Centre. 

Learn more about Turnitin and other tech tools for teaching at the Teaching and Learning Centre.


Click on the “Submit Application Inquiry Request” and complete all required fields on the form.

This form is used for inquiries about the application, to request more details about the application, or for any questions about the functionality and features of the application. 


Contact the Teaching and Learning Centre

Contact the IT Service Desk, or check the ticket status in the Online Portal for updates.

Submit Application Inquiry Request


Service ID: 5421
Fri 9/13/24 3:11 PM
Mon 9/16/24 3:31 PM