Preventing Telemarketing and Unwanted Calls in Canada: A Guide to CRTC Resources


Telemarketing and unwanted calls can be a nuisance, but there are regulations and resources available in Canada to help you combat them effectively. The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) is the authority responsible for managing telecommunications in Canada. This Knowledge Base article will guide you through the CRTC resources that can assist you in preventing unwanted calls and telemarketing.


  1. Unsolicited Telecommunications Rules:
    The Unsolicited Telecommunications Rules (UTR) are a set of regulations established by the CRTC to protect consumers from unwanted telemarketing calls, faxes, and emails. These rules outline the conditions telemarketers must follow when contacting consumers and businesses. To learn more about these rules and your rights as a consumer, consult the official CRTC Unsolicited Telecommunications Rules documentation.
  2. Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre:
    The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC) is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to report fraudulent telemarketing activities and seek guidance on recognizing and avoiding scams. They provide information on various types of fraud and scams, including those conducted through phone calls. Visit the CAFC website to access educational materials, report fraud, and stay informed about the latest scams affecting Canadians.
  3. Information on Caller ID Spoofing:
    Caller ID spoofing is a deceptive technique used by telemarketers and scammers to manipulate the caller ID information displayed on your phone. The CRTC provides information on how to identify and protect yourself from caller ID spoofing. You can find detailed guidance on their official website to help you recognize when this practice is being used and what steps to take to mitigate its effects.
  4. Guidelines on How to Register your Number to Reduce Spam Calls:
    To reduce the number of unwanted calls you receive, you can register your phone number on the National Do Not Call List (DNCL). The CRTC manages this list, which telemarketers are legally required to consult and respect. Consult the CRTC's guidelines on how to register your number and learn more about your rights as a registered user to ensure that you're not bothered by unsolicited calls.
  5. Instructions on How to File a Complaint:
    If you continue to receive unwanted telemarketing calls despite your efforts to register on the DNCL, you can file a complaint with the CRTC. The CRTC takes these complaints seriously and investigates cases of non-compliance with telemarketing regulations. Their website provides detailed instructions on how to file a complaint, ensuring that your concerns are addressed promptly.

By familiarizing yourself with the resources provided by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), you can protect yourself from unwanted telemarketing calls and fraudulent activities. Utilize the Unsolicited Telecommunications Rules, consult the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, learn about caller ID spoofing, register your number on the National Do Not Call List, and file complaints as needed to maintain a harassment-free communication environment in Canada. These steps will empower you to assert your rights and reduce the intrusion of unwanted calls in your daily life.


Article ID: 4389
Thu 9/22/22 11:51 AM
Fri 3/1/24 9:06 AM