M365 Sign In Errors

These errors may present when you sign in to M365 services with your UFV account. If you encounter one of these errors, read below to find out what to do about it.

If you contact the IT Service Desk about an M365 error, provide the following:

  • Your student email address
  • The error message you are receiving
  • On the error message, click More information. This will expand a section that includes diagnostic info (Request ID, Correlation ID, Timestamp). Send a screenshot of these details, or copy/paste the text.


Your account or password is incorrect. If you don't remember your password, reset it now.

Your username or password is incorrect. Your username is your full UFV email address (@ufv.ca or @student.ufv.ca). Your password is your email password. If you don't remember, reset it. 


Your sign-in was blocked.

Something unusual was detected about the sign-in. If you are using a VPN, turn the VPN off when connecting to UFV services. VPNs can change your location, and this can flag your account for impossible travel.

If you are not using a VPN, and/or the error persists, contact the IT Service Desk. Specify if you are using a VPN, or out of the country.


Your account is temporarily locked to prevent unauthorized use. Try again later, and if you still have trouble, contact your admin.

Your password or MFA verification was entered incorrectly too many times, and your account has been locked as a precautionary measure.
Wait thirty minutes before trying again. If your account does not unlock after thirty minutes, contact the IT Service Desk. Provide your student email address. 


That code didn't work. Check the code and try again. /
Sorry, we’re having trouble verifying your account.

You entered an incorrect authentication code. Try again, or click I can't use my phone right now I want to use a different method to use your backup authentication method.
If you're still having problems with MFA, contact the IT Service Desk. Provide your student email address.


Cannot configure Multi-Factor Authentication due to suspicious activity.

Your account is not registered for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), and the sign-in is suspicious for some reason. MFA is required for all UFV accounts, but because there is something about the sign-in that is suspicious, you cannot configure MFA at this time. If you are using a VPN, turn the VPN off when connecting to UFV services. VPNs can change your location, and this can flag your account for impossible travel.

If the issue persists and you are not using a VPN, contact the IT Service Desk.

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Article ID: 1886
Thu 9/2/21 3:15 PM
Thu 5/2/24 11:02 AM