Approve a Ticket


When you are designated as the Spending Authority or Approver on a service request ticket that requires approval (e.g., Software Procurement, Hardware Procurement, etc.), you will need to approve the request via the automated approval function in the IT Services Portal for the ticket to be actioned. 

The following steps detail how to approve a service request ticket.

Steps to Approve

When you are designated as the Spending Authority or Approver on a service request ticket that requires approval, you will receive an email to approve the request.  An example of the subject line of the email is, "UFV IT Service Desk Approval for Ticket ID #1234567".

Follow these steps to approve the request:

Within the body of the email, you will see a link to the approval page in the IT Services Portal.

  1. Click the Link, Approval for Ticket ID #1234567

Link to approve the ticket

  1. After clicking the link, you will be directed to the login page of the IT Services Portal. Follow the directions on the page to log in.
  2. Once you are logged in, you will see the approval page. If the request is approved, click on the Approve button. You can review the ticket details by clicking on the link in the Service Request Details section.
  3. Once you click Approve, you will be asked to supply an approval comment. Enter a comment and click Save.

            Approval Comment Page

  1. Your approval now appears on the ticket and the ticket can now be actioned.