Camtasia: Install and Uninstall

Steps to install and uninstall Camtasia on a UFV-issued Windows computer using the Software Center.

To find Camtasia in the Software Center

1. Use the Windows Search feature by either clicking the Start menu or using the Windows key on your keyboard.

2. Type in the search keywords Software Center.

3. Once found, click on the Software Center icon to open it.

Click on Software Center to open the application

4. From the list of applications, find and click Camtasia.

Find and click on Camtasia

Camtasia status

To install Camtasia

Click on the Install button to install the application.

Click Install button

To uninstall Camtasia

If you have Camtasia installed and would like to uninstall the software, click on the Uninstall button to uninstall the application.

Click the Uninstall button


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Article ID: 10690
Tue 8/27/24 2:56 PM
Fri 9/6/24 3:33 PM