Zoom - Switch Existing Account


Instructions on how to switch existing personal zoom account created with UFV email to UFV licensed Zoom account.


Switch Existing Zoom Account (Personal Account with UFV Email to UFV License)

UFV now provides a Zoom license for employees. If you already had a Zoom account created with your UFV employee email before UFV launched the service, you can choose one of the two options below:

Option 1 - Keep both accounts separate - To accomplish this, you need to change the UFV email address on your existing Zoom account to a personal email. Once changed, you can sign in to both Zoom accounts separately, one existing with your personal email and another once with UFV email (UFV provided account).

Option 2 - Combine both accounts -  This can be done when you sign in to Zoom for the first time after the Zoom launch at UFV. The next section below shows steps on how to do it. 


Switch Existing Zoom to UFV license 

Note: This method will import data from your existing Zoom account with UFV email address to new UFV provided Zoom account.

  1.  A) Web-Browser

Sign in to zoom via ufv-ca.zoom.us Zoom Video Conferencing window

B) Zoom Desktop App

Open the app and click on Sign-In with SSOSign in with SSO option

Enter ufv-ca in the company domain and click on Continue. Sign in with SSO window

  1. This will open a web browser which will ask you to log in. Enter your employee credentials (lastname first initial) with network password to sign in. UFV sign in window

  1. After signing in, you’ll receive an email link from zoom in your inbox. Email link from zoom in your inbox
  2. Open the link and select "I acknowledge and switch" button. Acknowledgement for switching to a new Zoom account
  3. After switching the account, you’ll see this message below. Message saying that we are switching your account
  4. Close this message and try to login again using the same steps above and you should be able to login into your zoom account.


Zoom Login Issues

If you get an SSO error message as below then follow the steps below: SSO error message

  1. If you see the above error, then you must open the following URL to log you out of the open Zoom account.
  1.  You can now log into Zoom in the browser or application. Follow the steps above.



Article ID: 833
Wed 9/30/20 12:59 PM
Mon 4/22/24 11:54 AM

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