Enter Student Scores
Log into Banner Self-Serve and find the CRN Listing area:
1. Log into myUFV using your UFV email address (i.e. firstname.lastname@ufv.ca) as your username and your UFV email password.
2. Under Faculty Self-Serve Banner tools card, click Grade entry.
3. For Gradebook and Components Grading, go to the Gradebook tab/section.
4. Click the section to be graded and click the green Components button to reveal the line-item components for your section.
5. Click or highlight the component to be graded and the student list will appear at the bottom of the page (scroll down the page to see all items).
6. Enter each student score and click on the green Save button.
7. Scroll up to select the next component to be graded and repeat the previous two steps.
View Composite Grades
1. Go to the Gradebook tab/section.
2. Click or highlight the section to be graded and click on the green Composite Grades button.
3. This view shows the different component scores, the Final Blended Percentage, and the Final Credit/No-Credit grade.
Note: The Final CR/NCR grade will be automatically populated to the Final Grades tab.