An email you sent was blocked
If you are sending from a UFV account using Outlook, submit a ticket, or contact our team, and provide one of the following so we can locate the email in our system:
- Date and time you sent the email
- Recipient address
- Any bounce-back or NDR (non-delivery report) you received
An email someone sent to you was blocked
If you think emails are being blocked, or the sender is receiving a bounce-back (non-delivery report) when emailing a UFV address, you can let us know. We will investigate and if the email can be found, and is safe, unblock it for you.
Please Note: We will not unblock emails that are flagged for containing viruses or malware. Only emails from safe senders that were caught by the spam filter will be unblocked.
Submit a ticket, or contact our team, and provide one of the following so we can locate the email in our system:
- Sender's email address or domain
- Approximate date/time of the email