Accessing an Expired UFV Account

If you're receiving an error stating your password is incorrect, your account may not be expired!
you may just need to reset your password.
See this guide which explains how to reset your password.



This article will review some general information about what it means for your UFV account to be expired, and how you can request a new temporary account via the Temporary Azure Account Provisioner ( tool


What is an expired UFV account?

UFV provides Microsoft 365 email accounts to UFV students and employees. These accounts can expire and become unavailable if:

  1. As a student, you haven't registered for a course in 3 semesters consecutively. 
  2. As an employee, you are no longer employed by UFV. 

When an account is expired you can no longer sign in to your email or any of the single sign-on services that require your UFV account to authenticate you (more on this later).

Why would you need to access your expired UFV account? 

There are a number of reasons you would need access to your expired UFV account. Here are a few examples:

  1. You need to access T4s or other tax information from when you were a student or employee. 
  2. You need to log in to any of the Banner 9 self-service areas, such as academic transcripts or proof of enrollment.

Note: This does not provide access to your UFV student or employee email address. 


Request temporary access to your account

If you've determined that you need access to your account, you can use the temporary azure account provisioner tool.

What you'll need to request temporary access

You'll need a few pieces of information to request temporary access to your account: 

  1. Your personal email: this is the email you used to register for UFV, or provided as a contact when applying at UFV.
  2. Your student ID or employee ID:  this is sometimes also called a 300 number, student number, or employee number.

Requesting access to your account

Once you have both your personal email and your student ID or employee ID, you can move forward to filling out the TAAP form. 

  1. Open your web browser.
  2. Navigate to the temporary azure account provisioner tool web page ( Azure Account Provisioner tool web page
  3. Enter your personal email in the personal email field. 
  4. Enter your student ID or employee ID in the Employee or Student Number field. Temporary Azure Account Provisioner tool web page
  5. Either press enter or click the green Request Temporary Account button.

Once you've requested the account you should see a banner at the top of the page saying that we are checking our records.

  1. Open your personal email inbox in another tab.
  2. Wait for an email with the subject Your Temporary UFV Account from
    1. The email should arrive in your inbox within 5 minutes of you submitting the form. 
    2. if you did not receive an email within 5 minutes, please reach out to our service desk and they will help you get access. 
  3. This email should include more information on how to get access to your account. 
  4. Using the information in that email you should be able to sign in to your account again. 

If you're not receiving the email, or having other issues, please reach out to the service desk for assistance.


Still having issues?

If the process above did not work, or this isn't exactly what you're looking for, please reach out to our service desk.

All of the service desk's contact information and hours can be found here. 

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Thu 1/12/23 3:52 PM
Fri 1/12/24 11:04 AM