Reset Password and Unlock Student Account Using Self-Service

There are two ways students can reset their password based on which criteria they match in the table listed below:


Password reset criteria

Self-Service Password Reset method

Student with an active UFV email account

Student with an inactive UFV email account / Alumni

1. Via

- To unlock your student account

- To reset your student account password

2. Via Microsoft SSPR

- To reset your student account password

3. Reach out to Service Desk

- To reset your temporary Azure account password

Once students reset their password on, all other applications using the student account password will use the new password. 
- If you have saved passwords on your browser, you would need to update the password saved.
        - For more information on the list of applications with login credentials used for it, visit the article
 UFV ITS Services and Password Conventions

Eduroam Wi-Fi connected devices like your laptop or phone will need to have the password updated.  If you are connecting to Eduroam for the first time, please go to and follow step-by-step instructions for your device.  


1. Via - Steps on password reset and unlock student accounts

To reset the password using, you need a personal email address added to your myUFV account, if you do not have one added or if you do not remember the personal email added, you will need to contact the Office of the Registrar to have it updated/ added.

If you have forgotten your UFV Student account password or have been locked out of the account due to multiple incorrect password attempts, please follow the steps below to reset your password or unlock your account.

1. Click on Forgot my password link on myUFV portal login page at 
    OR visit 

2. Enter your 9 digit student number e.g. 300123456 > Click Next.

NOTE: By clicking next, you are consenting to have an email sent to the personal email address you have registered on file with the Office of the Registrar at UFV.
This email will contain a security code that you will need to complete the Forgot Password process.
If you do not have a personal email address registered, please contact the
Office of the Registrar to have this updated.

Password reset step to add 9-digit student number

3. Check your personal email account to obtain the security code.

Note: Be sure to keep the current browser window open and do not close it. If the browser window is closed you will need to start the "Forgot Password" process again to have a new security code issued and re-sent.

4. Enter the security code from the email and click Next.

Password reset step to add verification code


5. Here you have two options listed below, select the most suitable option based on your need:

To reset the password and unlock the account:

  1. Select Password Reset: Choose Your New Password and Unlock Your Account
  2. Enter a new password by following the required password security conventions listed on the left side of the window as shown below:

Password reset step to add create new password

You have successfully reset the password. You can now click on Log in to myUFV to go to myUFV page and login with the new password.

Screenshot displaying that the password has been rest


To only unlock account, keeping current password:

  1. Select Account Unlock: Keep Your Current Password, click Next.

Password reset step stating you were successfully authenticated

You have successfully unlocked the account. You can now click on Log in to myUFV to go to myUFV page and login with the current password.

Password reset step stating your account has been unlocked


2. Via Microsoft SSPR

To reset the password using Microsoft SSPR, follow the steps in this KB article here: Reset Your UFV Account Password - SSPR for Student.


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Article ID: 436
Thu 4/30/20 6:32 PM
Fri 2/9/24 2:48 PM

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