Remove Spending Authority


This service is used to request removal of a spending authority on an existing account(s).

Note: An approval from the authorizing spending authority is required before this request will be fulfilled.

Information Required

You will need to include the following important information as part of your request:

  • Name of spending authority to remove
  • Effective date
  • Budget / index code(s)
  • Reason for removal
  • Authorizing spending authority of the budget / index code(s)


Click on the "Remove Spending Authority" button and complete all required fields on the form.  

An approval will automatically be sent by the system to the authorizing spending authority annotated on the form.


For support with spending authorities, contact the Accounts Receivables team.

You can also check the status of your ticket in the Online Portal for updates.

Remove Spending Authority Request


Service Offering Id: 1244
Mon 1/8/24 4:29 PM
Wed 2/21/24 3:31 PM