Detail Code Setup or Modification


A Detail Code Setup or Modification request is necessary when an update or deactivation is needed to an existing detail code or a new detail code is needed for a study tour, continuing education course, Financial Aid award, or Student Union fee.

Note: An approval from the spending authority is required before this request will be fulfilled. 

Information Required

You will need to include the following important information as part of your request:

New Detail Code:

  • Description of new detail code
  • Budget / index code
  • Financial Aid award code and type (if applicable)
  • Subject and course number (if applicable)
  • Effective date
  • Spending authority of the budget / index code

Detail Code Modification:

  • Detail code to modify
  • Modified budget / index code (if applicable)
  • Modified description of detail code (if applicable)
  • Effective date for change
  • Spending authority of the budget / index code
  • Reason for modification

Detail Code Deactivation:

  • Detail code to deactivate
  • Budget / index code
  • Effective date for change
  • Spending authority of the budget / index code
  • Reason for deactivation


Click on the "Submit Detail Code Setup/Modification Request" button and complete all required fields on the form.  

An approval will automatically be sent by the system to the spending authority annotated on the form.


For support with detail code setups or modifications, contact the Accounts Receivables team.

You can also check the status of your ticket in the Online Portal for updates.

Submit Detail Code Setup/Modification Request


Service ID: 3905
Thu 11/9/23 2:16 PM
Wed 4/24/24 7:23 PM