Cash Report


Use this service to document funds to be deposited.

To submit your cash and cheque deposit, utilize the Deposit Submission Form provided in the attachments section, The attachments section can be found on the right hand side of the page (desktop) and bottom of the page (mobile). After submitting the ticket, place the cash and cheque in an envelope, write the ticket ID on the envelope, and bring the envelope to Finance.  

Note: The department supervisor must approve this request as an acknowledgment that the cash report is complete and accurate.

Information Required

You will need to include the following important information as part of your request:

  • Supervisor (approval required)
  • Additional information
  • Cash report documents


Click on the "Submit Cash Report Documents" button and complete all required fields on the form.  

To submit your cash and cheque deposit, utilize the Deposit Submission Form provided in the attachments section, The attachments section can be found on the right hand side of the page (desktop) and bottom of the page (mobile). After submitting the ticket, place the cash and cheque in an envelope, write the ticket ID on the envelope, and bring the envelope to Finance.

An approval will automatically be sent by the system to the supervisor annotated on the form.


For support with cash reports, contact the Accounts Receivable team.

You can also check the status of your ticket in the Online Portal for updates.

Submit Cash Report Documents


Service ID: 3902
Thu 11/9/23 1:53 PM
Tue 5/7/24 3:11 PM