Room / Building Access


Use this service to request access to a location that is closed, locked, or the security system is armed.

IMPORTANT: This service is only monitored during UFV's regular business hours.

What to do if you are locked out

If you need immediate access to an area, please call security at 1-855-239-7654 (local 7654) and security personnel will assist as soon as possible.

Information Required

UFV students and employees can complete the Room / Building Access form to request access to a location after hours. Please provide the following information:

  • Name
  • Department
  • Contact number
  • Authorizing supervisor
  • Campus
  • Building and area/room
  • Start and end time for access
  • Anticipated duration
  • Working alone or in isolation documents (if applicable)
  • Reason access is required


Complete all required fields on the Room / Building Access Request form. An approval from an appropriate UFV community member is required. Once approved, the Security team can then process your request.

NOTE: Request may take up to 7 days to complete.


For questions about room and building access, email or contact the UFV Security Operation Centre at 1-855-239-7654 (local 7654).

This service is only monitored during UFV's regular business hours.

Request Room / Building Access


Service ID: 1507
Tue 7/6/21 2:45 PM
Thu 5/16/24 4:29 PM