Synch Outlook Log Messages


Receive or remove Outlook's synchronization of log messages.


Synchronization log messages

Microsoft Outlook synchronization issues folders include log messages and items that Microsoft Outlook has been unable to synchronize with your email servers. 

This is a normal function of Outlook as the messages are error-checking mechanisms the program uses to sync your email to email services.

If you have created an Unread Mail search folder in Outlook, you may begin seeing synchronization log messages in that search folder like the one below:

Removal of synchronization log messages

Follow the steps below if you do not want to see synchronization log messages in your Unread Mail search folder:

1. Access your folder list within Outlook by clicking on the three dots in the bottom left of your Outlook application.

2. Expand Search Folders, right-click Unread Mail (if you've created an Unread Mail search folder), and then choose, Customize This Search Folder...

3. Select Browse.

Browse button

4. Uncheck the top-level email account (shown in red below).  Select the Inbox folder and all other desired folders for which you want to sync new messages with the Unread Mail folder (shown in green below), then click OK.

Uncheck the top-level email account

5. (Optional) If you don't want any sub-folders to show unread emails and only select top-folder e.g. inbox, you can turn it off by unchecking Search subfolders. 

Uncheck the top-level email account (shown in red below) and select only the folders for which you want to sync new messages with the Unread Mail folder, then click OK.

Select folders options

Access Outlook's folder view and Sync Issues folder

Four synchronization issues folders appear in the navigation panel when you view the folder list:

1. Click on the 'More Apps' icon at the left of your Outlook email program, and then select 'Folders'.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

2. Scroll to the Sync Issues folder, click to expand it and view its subfolders ConflictsLocal Failures, and Server Failures.

Sync Issues - Contains all of the synchronization logs. This folder is helpful if Outlook is having trouble synchronizing — for example, there is an item that you see in the Office 365 OWA (Outlook Web Access), but not in Outlook — or you are not getting new mail in some folders when using Cached Exchange Mode.

Conflicts - Contains all the multiple copies of conflicting items in your mailbox. An InfoBar at the top of the original item advises you that a conflict for this item exists. The conflicting item is stored in the Conflicts folder. Clicking the InfoBar will bring up a list of conflicting items and allow you to resolve the conflict by determining which item you want to keep.

Local Failures - Contains all items that could not be sent to your server. If you have made changes to items while working offline, and then notice that your changes are not appearing in another Outlook client, your Office 365 OWA, or your SharePoint list, you should check this folder.

Server Failures - Contains items that Outlook failed to synchronize from your mailbox or SharePoint server. When Outlook cannot synchronize the item from the server, it moves it from its original folder location into the Server Failures folder. The contents of this folder are available only when you have a connection to your server. If you are missing expected emails, check this folder.

Related Microsoft articles

For more information on the search folders, visit Microsoft article: Use search folders to find messages or other Outlook items.

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Article ID: 908
Fri 11/13/20 3:02 PM
Wed 9/4/24 6:50 PM