Class List Management


Faculty management of their student class lists.


Log into Banner Self-Serve and find the CRN Listing area

1. Log into myUFV using your UFV email address (i.e. as your username and your UFV email password.

2. Under Faculty Self-Serve Banner tools card, click Class list.

Faculty Self-Serve Banner tools

CRN Listing for All Terms

3. Find a specific term through the All Terms pulldown menu.

4. Find a specific class list by clicking on a specific course and its section in the Subject column.

Class list for a specific term

5. Navigate back to your full course listings by clicking on the CRN Listing breadcrumb or use the Drop Down menu:

Navigate with breadcrumbs links or drop-down menu


Functionality within the Class List

Learn how to do the following:


Change your class list view:

1. Select Summary View or Detail View from the pulldown.

Summary or detail view pulldown


Enrollments waitlist, enrolment counts and waitlist position:

1. See who is on your Wait List and their position within your list.

Full view:

Full screen (arrows point to three main areas):

View 1

View 1 - Toggle between class list and waitlist views:

View 2

View 2 - Count of students enrolled in class and wait list:

View 3

View 3 - Position of student in the wait list


Manage and print your columns:

1. Click on the column dropdown and select the columns you want to display.

Note: The columns will resize themselves as you add or remove columns.

2. Click on the Print icon to open the Print Preview.

Note: If you print the Class List from the changes you made in the columns, it will only print the selected columns.


Export your class list:

1. To download an Excel spreadsheet to your device, click on the Export icon to select the file format and click Export again:

Export class list

NoteThe export process will export all baseline columns including any columns you have hidden from view:

Spreadsheet export


Email a student(s):

1. Select the student(s) to include in your email by clicking the checkbox next to the left of a Student Name or you can select the entire class using the checkmark at the top of the list.

2. Click on the blue envelope in the top right corner to generate an Outlook email with the addresses populated.



Article ID: 408
Thu 4/30/20 7:55 PM
Thu 12/19/24 12:06 PM