Forklift Service

Tags Forklift


Utilize this service to request forklift assistance with tasks such as moving pallets, transporting heavy loads, and other logistical needs.

Note: Forklift services are available between 10 am to 3 pm on business days.

Information Required

You will need to include the following important information as part of your request:

  • Budget / index code
  • External point of contact (if applicable)
  • Incoming shipment information (if applicable)
  • Pickup location
  • Deliver to location
  • Pickup date
  • Item(s) description
  • Quantity
  • Attachments of supporting information


Click on the "Submit Forklift Service Request" button and complete all required fields on the form.   


For support with forklift services, contact the Logistics Services team.

You can also check the status of your ticket in the Online Portal for updates.

Submit Forklift Service Request


Service ID: 4553
Mon 3/11/24 3:26 PM
Fri 5/31/24 4:05 PM